Story:- This movie is about Gaurav who is a very die-hard fan of Aryan khanna and he himself looks a lot similar like young Aryan khanna. Gaurav performs in his Local talent show and wins the trophy. He sets out on a journey to give this trophy to Aryan Khanna himself and get an autograph from him. He boards train to mumbai without ticket and creates scene with with the train authorities. however he escapes that and makes his way to reach Mumbai he takes shelter in that same lodge and in same room in which Aryan Khanna had stayed during his struggling Days.
On Aryan's birthday Gaurav goes to his house between all the crowds He manages to go up till the gates of Aryan's bunglow but is stopped by the security guards. After that he comes to know that Sid Kapoor some new actor who states harsh comments on Aryan Khanna by which Gaurav gets angry and He dared to go to Sid cabins and threatens him records an apologizing video to Aryan khanna and sends this video to Aryan khanna after knowing what Gaurav has done Aryan sends police where gaurav was staying there the chase happens between the police and Gaurav. Finally, police captures Gaurav and takes him to jail where he is beaten by the cops. Later Aryan comes to meet Gaurav in his cell Seeing him Gaurav was very happy there Aryan says that he is not his FAN ans warns him never to do such things again and go back The scene gets very heart-breaking when Aryan says that "It's My life , It's my time why should i even give you five second's". This breaks Aryan Khanna he is disturbed returns to his home in Delhi and he burns every posters and images of Aryan Khanna and vows that he will take revenge to Aryan khanna by destroying his stardom. After this the interval happens for the rest of the story i will recommend watching it still want to read whole story then click here
My views:- I liked the first half of the movie i.e. before interval and after that the movie seems a little unrealistic and the things that happen afterwards are a little hard to digest but still you are a fan of SRK then you will enjoy this movie the movie is a bit on the darker side so not everyone may like this movie and will find this a bit boring. there is no song in the movie however there was a promotional song released "Jabra" the song is fine.
I liked:- The Introduction part and very much of the first half of movie . The CGI and Makeup effects that were used for making the character of Gaurav it is amazing. The acting performance of SRK.
I didn't liked:- The overall story and the ending part it could have been a little better.
I rate this movie 3/5
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